Jim Andersen, Head of Upper School
May 26, 2023
In this email:
Summer hours and summer emails begin June 1
Final report card
Summer Physicals
College Advising on Community Service hours
We made it to the final E-Newsletter of the 2022-2023 school year! This weekly newsletter is a platform for all campus news in one place and we hope you find it informative and valuable. Any feedback you would like to provide about this communication is welcome. Please note that there will be four Upper School Summer messages sent on June 5, June 26, July 17, and August 7.
The first couple of Summer Update messages will outline the details for the following:
Summer Reading and Math information
Course selection list for 2023-2024 school year
Summer Economics course for rising seniors
Ordering textbook materials instructions
Parking update for student drivers
VOE reminder
Please look for all this information in the first Summer Updates email on June 5.
Students have completed their exams and the final grades are in. Final Report Card 4 posts June 2, 2023. Please access through MyBackpack and be sure to print a copy of the report card for future reference.
Senior report cards have already been posted. Parents will need to print a copy of these for personal records. After July 1, 2023 access to the portal will not be available. Parents of seniors you also need to be sure and pull any medical information you may need from Magnus health before students are removed from that portal. Files such as immunization records, physicals, etc will not be accessible.
Reminder Oakridge will once again be participating in the AOA Sports Physical Event on June 3rd from 9 am - 10 am. This event will be free of charge for all participating student-athletes. The Cody Stephens Foundation will also be offering free heart screenings. Click here for appointment registration.
Oakridge School's Time Slot- Saturday, June 3rd 9:00 am -10:00 am
Summer is a time of rest, relaxation, and recharge. It can also be lonely for students as they get out of routine, aren’t with their friends as much, and lose some structure. The mental health and wellness resource page provides information that can help parents and students navigate the summer. Mental Health and Wellness Resource Page
College Advising welcomes students to get a jump on their community service requirements. Over the summer students can log their community service time in their Mobile Serve accounts. Click here for more information.
Attached is the code for parents to view and order graduation pictures.
Parent Remind Hoot please join now. This is a great way to receive updates and reminders.
The Oakridge School calendar: save the dates of all these important events.
The Upper School Team