Jim Andersen, Head of Upper School

November 3, 2023

"One kind word can warm three winter months." - A Japanese Proverb

  • Progress Report 2.1

  • AP Exams 

  • 9th Grade Trip- Very important new information

  • STEM Showcase Application 

  • Check out procedures- updated email link

  • Campus policy

Progress Report 2.1: The next academic progress report is next Friday, November 10. This is a perfect time for students to speak with their teachers about their progress and to be sure they have all of their work turned in.  

AP Exams: Even though AP EXAMS are not taken until May, College Board requires schools to order them by November 15. Students were given a class code at the beginning of the school year by their teacher. This code allows them to use the AP classroom materials and it automatically registers them to take the exam. If they don’t register in AP Classroom, an exam cannot be ordered for them. So, parents, please make sure your student is registered.

If a student does not wish to take the AP exam, they must email ppfursich@theoakridgeschool.org to change it to “No” for them. If not, please know that they will be charged for the exam ($100) or the ($40) cancellation fee. Any exam ordered AFTER November 15 incurs an extra $40 fee on top of the $100 exam cost. Therefore, we really need accurate records before the order is placed. Thank you for your help and attention to this!

FRESHMAN CLASS TRIP ADJUSTMENT: Due to a serious fire at The Outdoor School, we are changing the venue and dates of the class trip.  We will be at Camp Carter in Fort Worth from Monday, November 13- Wednesday, November 15.  We are excited to spend off-campus time together with our wonderful 9th graders! We are grateful to Camp Carter’s availability since The Outdoor School is temporarily not accepting visitors.  The shared stories/experiences and time spent together yield benefits for years to come. Contact Mr. Andersen immediately if there is an unavoidable conflict.  We are happy to work with you.  Here is the full letter with revised information for the trip.

STEM Showcase Application: The 2024 STEM Showcase is now accepting applications. Complete the application here. 

Grandparents’ and Grandfriends’ Day: Join us Friday, November 17th as we celebrate our special family and friends.


CHECKOUT PROCEDURES: Anytime a student needs to leave campus early, a parent must email Ms. Halbert-Blake to let the US office know. Once the office knows, the teachers are notified, and then the student can be dismissed from the class without disrupting the teacher and be on time for their checkout. It is best practice to give 24 hours notice. Giving less than an hour notice may result in classroom disruption and delayed dismissal. 

CAMPUS POLICY: Parents, please support us with our updated security policies. All students and families must have a car tag on their rearview mirror; deliveries from outside vendors are not allowed; parents may deliver to the Admissions office and text their child to pick up delivery from the main office as soon as possible. Parents may check into the main office and then proceed to any appointments scheduled on campus. We are a closed campus. This means students may not leave for study hall and return, nor may they leave for lunch and return. If they leave campus, it must be with prior parental notification. Appointments should be accompanied by a note to return to school, ensuring the absence is excused.

Our Junior Owls did Oakridge proud by volunteering at Santa Cop this week. Santa Cop provides toys to families in need for Christmas.  The students are Miles Frazier, Nicholas Moses, and Rylan Williams.


Please note the dates for the US November Calendar:

The  Upper School Team









Please save the following dates:

  • November 1 - 15: Can Food Drive
  • November 2-4: SPC Tournament
  • November 10: Checkpoint 2.1 
  • November 13-16: 9th Grade Class Trip - Camp Carter

  • November 16: Library closes at 4:00- Librarian’s Conference

  • November 17: Grandparents’/Grandfriends’ Day- 11:15 a.m. dismissal- Buses depart at 11:30 a.m.

  • November 20: Turkey Toss 9-11 a.m. at Mission Arlington

  • November 20-24: Thanksgiving Break- Classes resume on Monday, 11.27

  • November 28: Fall Award Assembly- students only

  • November 29: Junior/Senior Buddy Lunch

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