Jim Andersen, Head of Upper School

September 22, 2023

In this email, you will find information about the following:

  • Check out procedures- updated email link
  • HOCO Mum and Garter
  • Homecoming Dress and Spirit Days
  • Homecoming Dance
  • 9th Grade Trip
  • PSAT & Practice Digital PSAT  
  • Last Friday- September 29, 2023
  • BSA Groove and Food 
  • Campus policy

CHECKOUT PROCEDURES: Anytime a student needs to leave campus early, a parent must email Ms. Halbert- Blake to let the US office know. Once the office knows, the teachers are notified, and then the student can be dismissed from the class without disrupting the teacher and be on time for their checkout. It is best practice to give 24 hours notice. Giving less than an hour's notice may result in classroom disruption and delayed dismissal. 

HOMECOMING DRESS AND SPIRIT DAYS  Show your spirit during this special week by dressing in the day's theme. All dress must adhere to our non-uniform dress expectations in the handbook. Students may choose to wear their uniforms. 

  • Monday- Barbie: Life in the DreamHouse- Country vs. Country Club
  • Tuesday- Brady Bunch Day- It's a blast from the past, come dressed in 70's attire
  • Wednesday- It's Bluey Day! Come dressed head to toe in blue
  • Thursday- ESPN Day- Wear your favorite sports jersey or t-shirt
  • Friday- HOMECOMING- Wear your homecoming shirt or Oakridge spirit wear

HOCO MUM AND GARTER: Homecoming week is October 2-6. Game day is Friday, October 6.  MumStar is one local vendor for mum and garter needs. 


HOMECOMING DANCE: The homecoming dance is Saturday, October 7, in the MAC on campus from 7:00-10:00 pm. Non-Oakridge students need to have a guest form to attend. The guest forms are in the Upper School office. The cost of the dance is $15.00. You may pay online here or in the US office. Join the fun where "Everyone knows your name!"

FRESHMAN CLASS TRIP: We are excited to spend off-campus time together with our wonderful 9th graders! Please note we will spend November 13-16 for terrific team building and relationship-building time at The Outdoor School in Marble Falls. The detailed trip letter is accessed here.  The shared stories/experiences and time spent together yield benefits for years to come.  

PSAT: On Friday, September 29, at 12:30 p.m., College Advising will offer a practice digital PSAT. Beginning this year, the PSAT 8/9 and PSAT are only given in digital format. On Wednesday, October 11, grades 9-11 take the PSAT. Seniors who registered take the SAT. If a senior is not taking the PSAT, they do not need to arrive to school until 11:30. The rest of the day is designed to let everyone decompress. We will have a pizza lunch provided and have our annual dodgeball tournament.  

LAST FRIDAY:  Last Fridays in the Upper School are perfect for programming, fun, and relationship building. Many takeaways our students get from their Oakridge experience do not appear on a transcript but are perhaps even more important for their futures. Last Fridays are not optional. We dismiss at noon on Friday, September 29. Our Student Council provides pancake breakfast, and we have an advisory activity, and our counselor, Jennifer Novoselsky, visits with our various grade levels.  

BSA Groove and Food: The Black Student Association is hosting an event on September 27 in the upper school commons called Groove and Food, where you can come and learn dance moves for Homecoming, eat food, and enjoy some great company! Please join us! You do not have to be a club member to have fun at this event! Use the link to complete the form.


CAMPUS POLICY: Parents, please support us with our updated security policies. All students and families must have a car tag on their rearview mirror; deliveries from outside vendors are not allowed; parents may deliver to the Admissions office and text their child to pick up delivery from the main office as soon as possible. Parents may check into the main office and proceed to any scheduled campus appointments. We are a closed campus. This means students may not leave for study hall and return, nor may they leave for lunch and return. If they leave campus, it must be with prior parental notification. Appointments should be accompanied by a note to return to school, as this ensures the absence is excused.

PSAT: On Friday, September 29, at 12:30 p.m., College Advising will offer a practice digital PSAT. 

Counselor's Corner:  Hello Oakridge Parents, My name is Jennifer Novoselsky, and I am the Counselor for all divisions. I have been a school counselor for 14 years and have a master's degree in School Counseling. I am also in school to complete my Licensed Professional Counselor classwork. I am so excited to be a part of the Owl Family! Over these last three weeks, I have introduced myself to all students at every division and explained to them what a counselor is. I am thrilled to partner with you and our amazing staff to develop a program to support our students as they navigate the social and emotional challenges we all face at each developmental level. Please take a moment to complete this brief survey so I can offer resources that will benefit you and your child. Survey

Please note the dates for the US September Calendar:


The  Upper School Team









Please save the following dates:

  • September 21: North Texas Giving Day
  • September 21: Annual Flu Clinic from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
  • September 29: Last Friday Early Dismissal, Noon

  • October 2 - 6: Spirit Week (Homecoming Parade and Game, October 6)

  • October 7: Homecoming Dance 7-10 p.m. in the MAC

  • October 13 - 16: Oakridge Fall Break - NO SCHOOL

  • October 18: Picture Make-Up Day

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