Jim Andersen, Head of Upper School

August 25, 2023

In this email you will find information about:

  • Parent Night
  • Grade Level Deans
  • Junior Rings 
  • Senior Permissions
  • Picture Day for IDs
  • Spotted Owls

US PARENT NIGHT will be Monday, August 28 from 7-8:30PM; parents of seniors need to come at 6:00PM for a pre-meeting with College Advising in the library. This night will cover different topics from the video presentation sent out earlier this summer. Parents will meet with faculty in their child’s classrooms for all their subjects. The Jostens representative will also be available to answer questions and take orders about Junior rings and Senior cap and gowns. The sports photographer will also be available to answer questions or take orders. 

GRADE LEVEL DEANS The students met with their Grade-Level Deans on the first day of school, where they learned about the role of their Dean and their expectations. Our Deans will support students as needed and help create an environment where learning flourishes.

JUNIOR CLASS RINGS Our Jostens representative was at Oakridge on the first day of school. He presented the Junior Ring options; a packet should have come home with your child. Those orders are due on Monday, August 28, and a representative will be at our US Parent Night to answer any questions. Our Junior Ring Ceremony is on October 24 at 10:00 AM in the Fine Arts Performance Hall. We welcome parent attendance. Purchasing a Jostens ring is optional.  

SENIOR PERMISSIONS As a senior privilege in Upper School, students in the class of 2024 may arrive at school after the first block (by 10 AM) of the day if they have a study hall that period or may depart early after the third block of the day if they have a study hall the last block of the day. This privilege requires parent permission; click here to complete a parent permission form.

PICTURE DAY will be Wednesday, August 30, for Upper School only (each Division has its date). The photographer will take each student’s photo for the yearbook and, more importantly, their student ID. Please help make sure all students are present by 9 AM when the photographer will begin. Seniors, you must come to school by 9:30 AM this day and not arrive late even with study hall privileges. 

All fall sports teams will have their team and individual photos taken this same day in the afternoon at 3:30 PM. Please get in touch with your coach if you have any questions or have not been told what uniform to wear. 


Marie attended SCAD’s Rising Star program this summer in Savannah. She was there for five weeks and earned 10 hours ( two courses) of credit. She took Acting for the camera and Painting for non-majors and made A’s in both.


Save the Date:

  • Parents of Class of 2024 Seniors, College Advising Night is Monday, August 28 from 6:00-7:00 p.m. followed by the US Parent Information Night.

  • US Parent Information Night (all parents, all grades) is Monday, August 28 from 7:00-8:30 p.m. This night is for parents to follow their child’s schedule and meet the faculty.

The  Upper School Team









Please save the following dates:

  • 8.28.23 - Upper School Parent Information Night, 6:00pm for Senior parents and 7-8:30 p.m. for all grade level parents
    • This night is for parents to follow their child’s schedule and meet the faculty​​​​​​​. 
  • 8.29.23 - ADVISORY TUESDAY (advisory is every Tuesday), Assembly
  • 8.29.23 - Club Fair at lunch 
  • 8.30.23 - US picture day, 9 AM and US sports team pics, 3:30 PM
  • 9.1.23 -  National College Day, wear your college gear! Follow non-uniform dress code
  • 9.4.23 - Labor Day holiday - No classes
  • 9.5.23 - STUCO elections
  • 9.5.23 - JR Parent Night with College Advising, 6PM in the Library