Jim Andersen, Head of Upper School

August 18, 2023

“You’re off to great places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, So get on your way!”

— Dr. Seuss

The first day of school is fast approaching, and the faculty and staff eagerly await our students. Student schedules are in the portal, but a paper copy with their locker and combination can be picked up tomorrow in the commons. Students begin on Wednesday, August 23, with a slightly adjusted A Day. All students should report to their advisory before the 8:45 tardy bell. Students will have advisory time, meet with the grade-level deans, and attend class periods 1-4.  

In this email, you will find information about:

We are excited to see you and your family tomorrow for our Back to School Bash. Upper School faculty and staff will be in the Commons for a Meet and Greet from 9:00-9:45. The Bash is from 9:30-11:30 in our quad and SAC. Join the fun and set up lockers, meet the coaches, set up lunch accounts, purchase uniforms, and visit our Spirit Store. It’s a great day to be an Owl!

The Senior Sunrise Ceremony is Tuesday, August 22, from 6:30-8:30 a.m. for members of the Class of 2024 only. Breakfast is provided, and seniors will pick up their yearbooks. Grades 9-11 yearbooks are distributed at a later date. Join the fun as we celebrate the dawning of the senior year!

Junior Class Rings: Our Jostens representative will be at Oakridge on the first day of school. He will present the Junior Ring options; a packet will come home with your child. Those orders are due on Monday, August 28, and a representative will be at our Upper School Parent Night to answer any questions. Our Junior Ring Ceremony is on October 24 at 10 a.m. in the Fine Arts Performance Hall. We welcome parent attendance. Purchasing a Jostens ring is optional.  

Us parent information presentation: This presentation is for parents of grade 9-12 students. Parents, please watch this video at your convenience. The video explains pre-first-day school information, handbook expectations, and other general information. 

Parking: Student drivers must all register using this form with the Upper School office. Vehicle registration assigns a space, provides a parking tag, and puts the vehicle in the security database. 

Course list and materials ordering: The bookstore is open and has the required materials to purchase for each course. The course number listed gives the best match. Courses not listed do not require material. The teacher will discuss supplies needed on the first day of each class.

Reminder to finish up your summer reading (and math)! 🙂

Spotted owls: Rising Senior, Hayden Fickel, was accepted into the USC School of Cinematic Arts Summer Program. Hayden resided on campus in L.A. for six weeks attending a Filmmaking Intensive class and a Practicum in Production class (5 film projects completed / 8 units earned). 

Owls have been swarming the campus! It is great to spot so many Owls. Seniors painting their parking spaces, drumline bringing the hum of the drum, athletes practicing hard, and cheer decorating the commons all add to the great vibe on our campus. 




Save the Date:

  • Parents of Class of 2024 Seniors, College Advising Night is Monday, August 28 from 6:00-7:00 p.m. followed by the US Parent Information Night.

  • US Parent Information Night (all parents, all grades) is Monday, August 28 from 7:00-8:30 p.m. This night is for parents to follow their child’s schedule and meet the faculty.

The  Upper School Team









Please save the following dates:

  • 8.19.23 - Back to School Bash- Meet the Teachers 9:00-9:45 a.m. followed by our party in the quad
  • 8.22.23 - Senior Sunrise, 6:30-8:00am
  • 8.23.23 - First Day of School 8:45 start time
  • 8.28.23 - Upper School Parent Information Night, 6:00pm for Senior parents and 7-8:30 p.m. for all grade level parents 
  • 8.30.23 - US picture day, 9am and US sports team pics, 330pm
  • 8.28.23 - Parents of Class of 2024 Seniors, College Advising Night from 6 - 7 p.m. followed by the US Parent Information Night.

  • 8.28.23 - US Parent Information Night (all parents, all grades) is from 7 - 8:30 p.m. This night is for parents to follow their child’s schedule and meet the faculty.