Matt Burgy, Head of School

September 22, 2023

Dear Oakridge Family,

For those of you who don’t know, I was an independent school parent before I became an independent school leader. My wife, Moira, and I made the decision when our daughter, Katie, finished Pre-K that the right fit for her was to be in an environment where she was challenged academically and also in a place that could nurture her soul. We found that place in a local independent school and never looked back. In fact, if you spoke to Katie today, she would tell you that her independent school experience was one of the most important decisions we made as parents. While our tuition dollars were our greatest investment in her experience, supporting her school’s annual fund was essential to her growth. 

Participating in the annual fundraising effort is an important part of being an independent school parent. Participation in The Oakridge Fund is essential, providing additional fuel for the fire that propels our unique school environment. As the Hernandez family attested to last week in our message, our goal is to achieve 100% participation from families, our faculty and staff, and our Board of Regents. We are excited that our faculty, staff, and Board of Regents have already achieved this goal! However, we need you to help us achieve our goal. 100% participation opens up doors in corporate philanthropy and aid from grant organizations that allow your dollars to go even further. Last year, we had one of our most successful Oakridge Fund efforts, and the dividends are evident across campus:

  • Vital upgrades to our security, including fencing, expert consultation, and increased staff training
  • A major renovation in partnership with The Owl Club and the Oakridge Parents Club of the Student Activity Center
  • A renovation of our Design and Engineering Learning Center 
  • Increased funding for our faculty and staff professional development, which focused on school improvement
  • Expansion of our social-emotional learning programs through additional positions

These are only a few of the many upgrades to our school that were made possible through your gifts to The Oakridge Fund. We need each and every one of you to be a part of the transformational journey that lies ahead. Your participation is not just a donation; it’s an investment into the present and future of our school community. Together, we can inspire a brighter, more hopeful tomorrow where every Oakridge Owl is enabled to become the best version of themselves. Every donation gets us one step closer to realizing our vision! 

If you have not already done so, please make your contribution today and join Team Oakridge!

With Gratitude and Enthusiasm,

Matt Burgy
Head of School