Sarah Schecter, Head of Lower School

January 26, 2024

Dear Lower School Parents,

Our second graders were overjoyed to see Oakridge artwork on our recent field trip to the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History. All students who submitted art for the Stock Show exhibit received a ticket that includes admittance to the museum, as well as the Stock Show.  We are happy to report that Meredith Blackledge won a cash prize and ribbon for her excellent art skills!

The Book Fair was wonderful. The children really enjoyed shopping for new books in the Oakridge Ocean, alongside a pod of dolphins and many other colorful creatures. A big thank you to our OPC for making it an over-the-top event, and special thanks to all of the volunteers who helped decorate and run it!

There are two upcoming opportunities for parents to learn more about keeping children safe online. The first one is on February 6 at 8:30 in the ECC. Our tech team will present information and start a conversation that will help you be more aware of dangers online. The second event, presented by the Arlington Police Department, will focus on human trafficking and online safety/child exploitation. The APD presentation will be Tuesday, February 13 at 6:30 p.m. in the library. We hope you can attend at least one of these events. This information is important and needed, as we help our children navigate all they are exposed to on their devices.

Most of you have begun the process of enrolling for next school year. The email sent to you on Tuesday, January 16, contains your unique link to re-enroll. While it may seem early, we want your family to have the opportunity to enroll before we begin accepting new families. The deadline to complete enrollment, without a $500 late fee, is January 31. If you need help getting enrolled, contact We love what we do, and we look forward to having your child with us next year!

Finally, the DEIB Faculty/Staff committee proudly presents the first annual Oratorical Showcase. Express yourself through speech, poem, song, or prose on the themes of community, culture, and celebration. Applications are now open! Don't miss your chance to take the stage and claim your spotlight! Apply here

Have a great weekend,

Sarah Schecter














Please save the following dates:

  • February 6: Parental Controls, Online Safety presentation at ECC, 8:30 a.m. 

  • February 13: Human Trafficking and Online Safety/Child Exploitation program (more below)

  • February 14: Valentine’s Day Class Parties @ 1:30 p.m. - Non-Uniform Dress Day

  • February 16: Parent-Teacher Conference Day - No School

  • February 19: President’s Day - No School

  • February 23: Lunar New Year Dragon Dance, 10:45 a.m. & Early Dismissal @ 11:30 a.m.

  • February 24: Oakridge Super Supper and Auction

  • February 28: Oratorical Showcase 

  • March 11 - 18: Spring Break (No School)

  • March 22: OPC Uniform Resale, 1:30 - 4:30 p.m.

  • March 25: OPC Uniform Resale, 7:30 - 10:30 a.m.

  • March 27: OPC Boosterthon Kick-off

  • March 29: School Holiday - No School

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