Ashley Read '05, Head of Early Childhood

September 15, 2023









Dear Parents,

The majority of our day is spent around “learning from each other.” We learn how to share, how to be kind, and how to treat one another. This week, we also discussed how we must hold ourselves accountable for making good decisions because our friends are always learning from us. 

Making Space for Independence

At times, young children are more than capable of completing tasks on their own. Children thrive on routine, clarity, and expectations. To further encourage independence in your young child, consider these ideas:

  • Expect more from your child - Just like adults, children live up (or down) to expectations. Let your child try to do tasks you may typically assist with, such as putting on a coat, pouring his milk, or packing his lunch. “I can’t wait to watch you build a healthy lunch!”
  • Resist the urge to redo what they have done - The blanket may not be smoothed out perfectly, and the buttons on the shirt might be mismatched, but resist the urge to fix their accomplishments. Your child may notice your correction, and it will discourage them from trying it next time. 
  • Let them solve simple problems - If your child is safe while trying to put a Lego set together or reach a book from the shelf, sit back, watch, and let their little mind work. Problem-solving is a skill that needs to be practiced and has room to try and even fail. 
  • Assign chores - By allowing your child to be in charge of a portion of the household chores, you are helping build your child’s self-confidence and positive self-awareness: “I can do hard things!” 

We are excited to introduce our school counselor, Jennifer Novoselsky. You may see her at the morning carpool on Fridays. Follow the link to learn more and complete a brief survey to help Mrs. Novoselsky plan for our families’ needs.


Ashley Read, Oakridge Class of 2005
Head of Early Childhood










 Please save the following dates:

  • September 21: North Texas Giving Day

  • September 29: St. Jude’s Trike-A-Thon & ECC Early Dismissal @ 11:30 a.m.

  • October 2 - 6: Oakridge Spirit Week

  • October 6: Oakridge Homecoming - ECC Early Dismissal @ 11:30 a.m.

  • October 13 - 16: Oakridge Fall Break - NO SCHOOL

  • October 18: Picture Make-Up Day

  • October 20: OPC Uniform Resale @ OPC Building, 7:30 - 10:30 a.m.

  • October 25: Owlfest, 3:30 - 5:30 p.m. - Wear Halloween Costumes!

  • October 27: Parent-Teacher Conferences - NO SCHOOL

  • October 31: Fall Colors Non-Uniform Dress Day (no costumes)

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