Join the OPC

The 24-25 OPC Membership form will be available August 1, 2024. Thank you!



YES!  I would like to join the Oakridge Parents' Club. Please choose your level of membership below.  Your membership benefits your children throughout the 2024-2025 school year. 

$75 OPC Membership Level - Includes membership and Non-Uniform Dress Day for your student during OPC Appreciation Day on October 23.

$250 OPC Leadership Level - Includes membership and Non-Uniform Dress Day for your student on OPC Appreciation Day on October 23 and help cover the cost of OPC sponsored events.

$25 Grandparent Support Level

$15 Faculty Rate - This does not include non-uniform dress day. 


Please contact me about volunteer opportunities for OPC eventsrequiredExample - Divisional needs/parties, Done-in-a-Day needs, various workshifts for OPC events etc.
Example - Divisional needs/parties, Done-in-a-Day needs, various workshifts for OPC events etc.

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