OPC Communications Request







Oakridge Parents' Club Communication Request

Please use this form to schedule communication requests for the OPC eNews and/or OPC social media. Include graphics as well if you have them.

The OPC eNews, as needed, will typically be sent Monday mornings. This lead time will better ensure timely distribution of your communication request.

Lauren Matocha, lmatocha@theoakrigdeschool.org or 817.563.9742 will be the liaison between OPC and Development Office. 

Has this request/information/image been approved by your OPC Vice President?required
Please send this communication to:required
0 / 1000
Attach up to 1 file with a maximum size of 10MB
No file chosen

If you have any questions, please call the Development Office at 451.4994. A copy of this will be emailed to the OPC President, OPC Communications, and Development Office for approval. Thank you!