Why Oakridge?
Why Oakridge? That is not a simple answer. Some may say it has to do with our academics...small class sizes, 100 percent of our graduates attend college, or the remarkable percentage of National Merit Scholars and Finalists. Others will say it is because of our impressive fine arts program and the opportunities to sing at Carnegie Hall or participate in a musical with a student-created set and accompanied by an orchestra.
Still others will say that it has to do with our athletic program in which all students get to participate in the sport (or sports) of their choice, and where former professional athletes begin to develop fundamentals with our youngest Owls, as well as coach our oldest ones, too.
Almost everyone in our community would say that why they chose (and what they love about) Oakridge is intangible. It's that feeling of family, community, and support you get when you're on our campus. It's where friendly, happy, and respectful kids greet you, and the adults are truly invested.
Come and feel for yourself. Let us know when you're ready...we can't wait to meet you! To connect with us, inquire here. You may also call 817-451-4994 or email admissions@theoakridgeschool.org.