BYOL (Bring Your Own Laptop)
What device should I get?
Since almost all the work students perform at school is platform neutral, you have choice for your child’s computer. The laptop simply needs to meet the requirements below which can be fulfilled with a PC or a Mac. Chromebooks, iPads, eReaders, or Android devices do not meet the minimum requirements for BYOL.
Students are permitted to bring and use these secondary devices at the discretion of the faculty, but they should have their primary device at all times.
What are the minimum requirements for my laptop?
PC | Minimum | Recommended |
Windows OS | Windows 10 Professional (64 bit) | Windows 11 Professional (64 bit) |
Processor | Intel Core i5 | Intel Core i7 |
Memory | 8 GB RAM | 16GB RAM |
Hard Drive | 256GB Solid State Drive (SSD) | 512GB Solid State Drive (SSD) |
Warranty | Extended Warranty with Accidental Damage Protection (highly recommended) | Extended Warranty with Accidental Damage Protection (highly recommended) |
Apple | Minimum | Recommended |
Mac OS | MacBook Air/Mac Big Sur 11.6.5 | MacBook Pro/Mac OS Monterey 12.3.1 |
Processor | Apple M1 chip | Apple M1 chip |
Memory | 8 GB RAM | 16GB RAM |
Hard Drive | 256GB Solid State Drive (SSD) | 512GB Solid State Drive (SSD) |
Warranty | AppleCare + for Mac (highly recommended) | AppleCare+ for Mac (highly recommended) |
The device must also include:
- Wi-Fi access
- Minimum 6 hour battery life
- Adobe Flash capable
- Microsoft Office, TI Nspire software
- Virus, malware and spyware protection (current versions with automatic updates)
If you have questions or need further assistance, please contact the Technology and Modern Learning team.